CDT at Eclipse Summit Europe

Well, the closing session is about to start and the vendors are packing
up their displays. Another successful Eclipse Summit Europe is about to
go off into the sunset. For me, it was proof again why I love coming to
this show. The CDT community in Europe is strong and a lot of them are
doing and want to do interesting things with the CDT.

talk I gave was on the code analysis capabilities of the CDT
introducing the things you can do with the CDT's parsers and indexing
framework. I also introduced the new refactoring engine that we have
which really opens up a lot of cool automations you can do to analyze
and refactor your code. The best part is that I had a few guys come up
to me after to ask about certain analysis things they wanted to do. I'm
glad I gave that talk and I hope more people take a look at what the
CDT has to offer in this area.

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