CDT 6.0 M5 is Available, BTW

I've been "nose to the grindstone" since the holiday break getting our
Wind River Installer out the door, twice. But the good news is that the
CDT contributors have been very busy working on CDT 6.0 while I wasn't
looking very hard. I have been waiting for the C/C++ IDE Package for M5
to be built. In the meantime, we do have the bits up on the CDT Galileo
update site for you to try. Just download the Eclipse Platform or SDK 3.5M5 and add the following URL as an update site:

people will want the "Tools" feature in the "Main" group, which will
give you everything you need to work with the gnu toolchain. And yes,
the features say 5.1.0, but we're tricking the API tooling with that to
keep track of API changes. We'll be 6.0 when we go out the door in June.

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