The State of Modern Nomadic Life

Damisch Photo

Public transportation is undergoing tremendous transformation at the moment. The reasons for this revolution are varied. Mass transit has never been more important around the world as the urban areas of highly developed countries are unable to handle further unlimited growth of private transportation. Emerging countries with a 100-year backlog in public transport infrastructure development face the need to be prepared to move their fast growing population, as well as move competitive labor into urban working areas from remote locations.

Making transportation more affordable and accessible, while responding faster to consumer needs, drives a challenging but rapid need for modernization. The last 10 years have shown that terrorists, sadly, have been able to exploit vulnerabilities in public transportation. At the same time, the latest communication technology is now standardized to transport more people, in ashorter time and more reliably, which is just further increasing the vulnerability of the public infrastructure to cyber security threats.

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