Modern Development Advances Industrial Control Automation

Modern Development Advances Industrial Control Automation

The global industrial automation and control systems market size was valued at USD 146.79 billion in 2020 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.9% from 2021 to 2028 according to Grand View Research.

Advances in a Pandemic: Modern Development for Industrial Control Automation

I don’t think I need to tell you about all the challenges that have faced the worldwide population and the industrial segment over the last year due to the pandemic. Most of us have experienced the shortage or the availability of various products from cars, electronics, groceries, toys, furniture, hand sanitizers and of course, vaccines. Though the industries and factories of the world have had to deal with the lack of supplies and workers, one positive factor has been the drive to advance industrial control automation to keep manufacturing active and alive to meet the needs of the world population.  A majority of industrial equipment makers are working to modernize industrial control automation systems to increase production, quality, efficiencies and cost-effectiveness.

Much of the industrial equipment in the factories of the world are based on previous generation technology and were built to last for many years. Many control automation systems are twenty years or older and hardware based, and not built to be easily updated or flexible on their functions. The software-driven digital transformation of control automation equipment and factories have trended upwards within the last five to ten years. However, while progress was being made, the recent global health situation has super-charged the desire to speed this transformation.

Control automation original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) have been working diligently to bring the advantages of digital transformation and the intelligent edge to their equipment, as well as, to their product engineering and development work that they use to design their new products. This has meant utilizing modern software development methods, tools and technologies that are quickly delivering positive results.

Recently, I invited our industrial systems expert and senior director of Product Management at Wind River, Michel Chabroux, to discuss how modern development is advancing the design of the latest control automation systems in the web seminar, “Modern Development for Control Automation. In this web seminar, he discussed the challenges facing the design of control automation systems and how the following four modern development methods and technologies that have been advancing the design and building of new control automation systems:

● Real-time Container Technology

● Machine Learning

● Simulation Solutions

● DevSecOps Software Development Methods

We have taken the recording of this web seminar, divided it into short video chapters for quick and easy viewing and posted on the Wind River website. I invite you to visit the webpage and select the video subject chapter that interests you or watch all chapters. Go to this page, Modern Development for Control Automation, to learn more.